Thursday, February 16, 2017

Sorry It's Been A While Here Are Some Sad Puppies

I'm back!
I know it's been a while since I've uploaded anything on here, but I've just been super crazy busy.
This semester I will be uploading some advertisements that I make for my Writing for Advertising class, as well as any other projects I find the time to do.
So as a "I'm back" post, I apologize because these ads are really kind of sad.  
For this project I had to create an advertising campaign for a social issue that I am passionate about, so I chose to focus on a company that encourages people to adopt shelter animals.  The company, Pawz Shop, sells clothing and accessories, and donates 10% of all net profits to this cause.  Their goal is to help stop the euthanizing of shelter animals.
My ads are super sad, and I apologize for that, but I think they are also effective.
If you want to check out the website for Pawz Shop, click here or follow the link below: